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FLYMONITOR.RU » Competitions » 3rd Central European Cup » Statistics

3rd Central European Cup

Advanced statistics

3rd Central European Cup
  • Dates: 09.09.2019 - 15.09.2019
  • Place: Hungary / Szeged
  • Subevent:
    » 39th Hungarian National Championship
    » 1st Women's Central European Cup
  • Event director: Bareford David
  • Description:

    3rd Central European Cup

    39th Hungarian National Championship

    1st Women Europen Cup

    4th Szeged Ballon Cup fiesta

    4th Szeged Airshow

Competition statistics

сравнительный анализ для пилота Chubarov Evgeny

Competition rating: 1 (by BFR)
Alternative competition rating: 0.89 (by A.V.Talanov)
General information
Total AM PM

Rank Pilot Win
[1000 point]
316Chubarov Evgeny3
127Kusternigg Daniel3
83Garab Szabolcs2
1122Kalousdian Christian Kurken2
623Karlstrom Kenneth (Ken)2
21Molnár Péter1
162Dudás Péter1
137Abel Michael1
78Simoner Andreas1
109Molnár Csaba1
2310Szabó Péter1
2712Pácza Pál1
1214Oudenampsen Jan1
518Nagy Péter1
1519Fokken Jan Henderic1
1724Nasonova Diana1

Тип заданияВыполнено
Chubarov Evgeny
[MDD] Minimum distance double dropзагрузка....
[JDG] Judge declared goalзагрузка....
[FON] Fly onзагрузка....
[PDG] Pilot declared goalзагрузка....
[LRN] Land runзагрузка....
[FIN] Fly inзагрузка....
[HWZ] Hesitation waltzзагрузка....
[XDD] Maximum distance double dropзагрузка....
[WSD] Watership downзагрузка....
[CRT] Calculated rate of approach taskзагрузка....
[ANG] Angleзагрузка....
[HNH] Hare and Houndsзагрузка....

Rank Pilot Point
total lag average
127Kusternigg Daniel190070792
21Molnár Péter18578429774
316Chubarov Evgeny18143864756
415Konecsni János171061901713
518Nagy Péter169452062706
623Karlstrom Kenneth (Ken)169052102704
78Simoner Andreas166832324695
83Garab Szabolcs166282379693
96Buzeti Dejan158123195659
109Molnár Csaba154303577643
1122Kalousdian Christian Kurken154053602642
1214Oudenampsen Jan145684439607
137Abel Michael143274680597
144Becz Rita136845323570
1519Fokken Jan Henderic120866921504
162Dudás Péter114727535478
1724Nasonova Diana114527555477
185Almer Johann103038704429
1925Eklics Gábor97769231407
2026Ule Inga94059602392
2113Demchuk Maksim93049703388
2211Toth Mihály753811469314
2310Szabó Péter720411803300
2417Hunor Gábor656612441274
2520Moscara Raffaele603712970252
2621Stieber József579813209242
2712Pácza Pál557413433232

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With a large number of participants, the drawing process can be lengthy.