Competition statistics
сравнительный анализ для пилота Zhokhov Dmitriy
Competition rating:
0.69255 (
by BFR )
Alternative competition rating:
0.49 (
by A.V.Talanov )
General information
Flights 4 2 2 Tasks 15 7 8
Win task [1000 point]
2 2 Vinogradov Sergey 2 7 7 Chekandin Ilya 2 3 18 Menyaylo Ivan 2 6 3 Volodin Denis 1 1 6 Chubarov Evgeny 1 9 8 Tsyhonchik Sergey 1 17 10 Vertiprakhov Igor 1 5 13 Bazhenov Sergey 1 13 14 Naydorf Mikhail 1 10 16 Snetkov Oleg 1 8 17 Latypov Sergey 1
Тип задания Выполнено Zhokhov Dmitriy [HNH] Hare and Hounds [HWZ] Hesitation waltz [JDG] Judge declared goal [CRT] Calculated rate of approach task [3DT] 3D shape task [2D] [FIN] Fly in [PDG] Pilot declared goal
Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Задания распределение заданий по типам Other 100% Other 100% 3DT: 6.67% 3DT: 6.67% HWZ: 33.33% HWZ: 33.33% FIN: 13.33% FIN: 13.33% JDG: 20% JDG: 20% CRT: 6.67% CRT: 6.67% 2D: 6.67% 2D: 6.67% PDG: 6.67% PDG: 6.67% HNH: 6.67% HNH: 6.67%
1 6 Chubarov Evgeny 11360 0 757 2 2 Vinogradov Sergey 10303 1057 687 3 18 Menyaylo Ivan 10255 1105 684 4 4 Zimenko Georgiy 9538 1822 636 5 13 Bazhenov Sergey 9407 1953 627 6 3 Volodin Denis 9236 2124 616 7 7 Chekandin Ilya 9179 2181 612 8 17 Latypov Sergey 8787 2573 586 9 8 Tsyhonchik Sergey 8470 2890 565 10 16 Snetkov Oleg 8105 3255 540 11 5 Oparina Maria 7878 3482 525 12 9 Antonov Andrey 7810 3550 521 13 14 Naydorf Mikhail 7689 3671 513 14 15 Kulkov Andrey 7466 3894 498 15 20 Denisenko Artem 7460 3900 497 16 1 Zhokhov Dmitriy 7372 3988 491 17 10 Vertiprakhov Igor 6610 4750 441 18 11 Evdokimov Aleksandr 6050 5310 403 19 19 Levdin Oleg 5539 5821 369 20 12 Tomurov Michael 4950 6410 330 21 21 Grachyov Aleksej 1394 9966 93
Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Пилот / Место Очки Средние очки Chubarov Evgeny 1 Vinogradov Sergey 2 Menyaylo Ivan 3 Zimenko Georgiy 4 Bazhenov Sergey 5 Volodin Denis 6 Chekandin Ilya 7 Latypov Sergey 8 Tsyhonchik Sergey 9 Snetkov Oleg 10 Oparina Maria 11 Antonov Andrey 12 Naydorf Mikhail 13 Kulkov Andrey 14 Denisenko Artem 15 Zhokhov Dmitriy 16 Vertiprakhov Igor 17 Evdokimov Aleksandr 18 Levdin Oleg 19 Tomurov Michael 20 Grachyov Aleksej 21 0 1000 250 500 750
Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Задания Очки Средние очки Очки по заданиям сравнение со средними очками призеров 1. 3DT 2. HWZ 3. HWZ 4. HWZ 5. FIN 6. JDG 7. HWZ 8. CRT 9. 2D 10. PDG 11. FIN 12. HWZ 13. JDG 14. JDG 15. HNH 0 200 400 600 800 1 000 Место. Пилоткликните, что бы скрыть на графике
1. Chubarov Evgeny
2. Vinogradov Sergey
3. Menyaylo Ivan
4. Zimenko Georgiy
5. Bazhenov Sergey
6. Volodin Denis
7. Chekandin Ilya
8. Latypov Sergey
9. Tsyhonchik Sergey
10. Snetkov Oleg
11. Oparina Maria
12. Antonov Andrey
13. Naydorf Mikhail
14. Kulkov Andrey
15. Denisenko Artem
16. Zhokhov Dmitriy
17. Vertiprakhov Igor
18. Evdokimov Aleksandr
19. Levdin Oleg
20. Tomurov Michael
21. Grachyov Aleksej
СО Zhokhov Dmitriy
СО Chubarov Evgeny
СО Vinogradov Sergey
СО Menyaylo Ivan
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Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Полет № Очки Очки за полёты позиций по ходу соревнований 1 2 3 4 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 6250 6500 6750 7000 7250 7500 7750 8000 8250 8500 8750 9000 9250 9500 9750 10 000 10 250 10 500 10 750 11 000 11 250 11 500 11 750 12 000 Пилоткликните, что бы скрыть на графике
Chekandin Ilya
Chubarov Evgeny
Vinogradov Sergey
Snetkov Oleg
Volodin Denis
Menyaylo Ivan
Vertiprakhov Igor
Latypov Sergey
Tsyhonchik Sergey
Naydorf Mikhail
Bazhenov Sergey
Denisenko Artem
Kulkov Andrey
Antonov Andrey
Tomurov Michael
Zimenko Georgiy
Levdin Oleg
Zhokhov Dmitriy
Oparina Maria
Evdokimov Aleksandr
Grachyov Aleksej