Dates: 23.08.2008 - 28.08.2008 Finish
Place: Russian Federation / Дмитров
Event director: Menyaylo Ivan
Competition statistics
сравнительный анализ для пилота Chubarov Evgeny
General information
Flights 4 2 2 Tasks 16 11 5
Win task [1000 point]
1 1 Medvedskii Alexey 5 2 8 Latypov Sergey 2 12 5 Gorobets Victor 1 5 7 Starkov Igor 1 3 9 Bazhenov Sergey 1 9 12 Naydorf Mikhail 1 7 14 Morev Anton 1 6 16 Klimenko Vladislav 1 10 17 Denisenko Andrey 1 8 18 Zharinov V 1
Тип задания Выполнено Chubarov Evgeny [JDG] Judge declared goal загрузка.... [XDD] Maximum distance double drop загрузка.... [MDT] Minimum distance загрузка.... [FIN] Fly in загрузка.... [PDG] Pilot declared goal загрузка.... [ANG] Angle загрузка.... [HWZ] Hesitation waltz загрузка....
1 1 Medvedskii Alexey 13016 0 814 2 8 Latypov Sergey 12472 544 780 3 9 Bazhenov Sergey 11058 1958 691 4 11 Kostiuskevicius Rimas 10938 2078 684 5 7 Starkov Igor 10780 2236 674 6 16 Klimenko Vladislav 10509 2507 657 7 14 Morev Anton 9810 3206 613 8 18 Zharinov V 9664 3352 604 9 12 Naydorf Mikhail 9646 3370 603 10 17 Denisenko Andrey 9058 3958 566 11 10 Gorbachev Dmitrij 8774 4242 548 12 5 Gorobets Victor 8123 4893 508 13 2 Tsarik Konstantin 8118 4898 507 14 20 Sokolov Pavel 6682 6334 418 15 6 Vertiprakhov Andrey 6283 6733 393 16 3 Kulkov Andrey 6028 6988 377 17 15 Lopatkov Oleg 5928 7088 371 18 19 Sletova Victoria 4002 9014 250 19 13 Grokholskaya Ekaterina 2350 10666 147 20 4 Chubarov Evgeny 0 13016 0
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