Dates: 08.08.2009 - 12.08.2009 Finish
Place: Russian Federation / Дмитров
Event director: Menyaylo Ivan
Competition statistics
сравнительный анализ для пилота Starkov Igor
General information
Flights 7 4 3 Tasks 26 17 9
Win task [1000 point]
1 1 Medvedskii Alexey 6 2 6 Latypov Sergey 5 5 2 Chubarov Evgeny 4 4 7 Vertiprakhov Andrey 3 7 8 Bazhenov Sergey 3 6 10 Kulkov Andrey 2 10 3 Denisenko Artem 1 8 9 Starkov Igor 1
Тип задания Выполнено Starkov Igor [LRN] Land run [FIN] Fly in [JDG] Judge declared goal [ELB] Elbow [PDG] Pilot declared goal [MDT] Minimum distance [RTA] Race to an area [WSD] Watership down [ANG] Angle [XDI] Maximum distance [MDD] Minimum distance double drop [3DT] 3D shape task
Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Задания распределение заданий по типам Other 100% Other 100% MDT: 3.85% MDT: 3.85% JDG: 34.62% JDG: 34.62% LRN: 3.85% LRN: 3.85% FIN: 11.54% FIN: 11.54% PDG: 7.69% PDG: 7.69% RTA: 7.69% RTA: 7.69% 3DT: 3.85% 3DT: 3.85% ANG: 11.54% ANG: 11.54% MDD: 3.85% MDD: 3.85% XDI: 3.85% XDI: 3.85% WSD: 3.85% WSD: 3.85% ELB: 3.85% ELB: 3.85%
1 1 Medvedskii Alexey 20100 0 773 2 6 Latypov Sergey 19232 868 740 3 5 Vinogradov Sergey 16690 3410 642 4 7 Vertiprakhov Andrey 15716 4384 604 5 2 Chubarov Evgeny 15590 4510 600 6 10 Kulkov Andrey 14956 5144 575 7 8 Bazhenov Sergey 14537 5563 559 8 9 Starkov Igor 14330 5770 551 9 11 Naydorf Mikhail 14217 5883 547 10 3 Denisenko Artem 11638 8462 448 11 4 Gorobets Victor 9932 10168 382 12 13 Zharinov V 9891 10209 380 13 12 Tyukhtyaev Leonid 5156 14944 198
Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Пилот / Место Очки Средние очки Medvedskii Alexey 1 Latypov Sergey 2 Vinogradov Sergey 3 Vertiprakhov Andrey 4 Chubarov Evgeny 5 Kulkov Andrey 6 Bazhenov Sergey 7 Starkov Igor 8 Naydorf Mikhail 9 Denisenko Artem 10 Gorobets Victor 11 Zharinov V 12 Tyukhtyaev Leonid 13 0 1000 250 500 750
Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Задания Очки Средние очки Очки по заданиям сравнение со средними очками призеров 1. MDT 2. JDG 3. JDG 4. LRN 5. FIN 6. PDG 7. RTA 8. 3DT 9. JDG 10. JDG 11. RTA 12. ANG 13. FIN 14. JDG 15. ANG 16. JDG 17. MDD 18. JDG 19. XDI 20. FIN 21. WSD 22. ANG 23. PDG 24. JDG 25. JDG 26. ELB 0 200 400 600 800 1 000 Место. Пилоткликните, что бы скрыть на графике
1. Medvedskii Alexey
2. Latypov Sergey
3. Vinogradov Sergey
4. Vertiprakhov Andrey
5. Chubarov Evgeny
6. Kulkov Andrey
7. Bazhenov Sergey
8. Starkov Igor
9. Naydorf Mikhail
10. Denisenko Artem
11. Gorobets Victor
12. Zharinov V
13. Tyukhtyaev Leonid
СО Starkov Igor
СО Medvedskii Alexey
СО Latypov Sergey
СО Vinogradov Sergey
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With a large number of participants, the drawing process can be lengthy.
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Created with Highcharts 8.0.4 Полет № Очки Очки за полёты позиций по ходу соревнований 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10 000 10 500 11 000 11 500 12 000 12 500 13 000 13 500 14 000 14 500 15 000 15 500 16 000 16 500 17 000 17 500 18 000 18 500 19 000 19 500 20 000 20 500 21 000 21 500 Пилоткликните, что бы скрыть на графике
Chubarov Evgeny
Kulkov Andrey
Medvedskii Alexey
Latypov Sergey
Bazhenov Sergey
Vertiprakhov Andrey
Denisenko Artem
Starkov Igor
Vinogradov Sergey
Zharinov V
Naydorf Mikhail
Gorobets Victor
Tyukhtyaev Leonid