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FLYMONITOR.RU » Competitions » 10th World Hot Air Airship Championsip

10th World Hot Air Airship Championsip

General information

10th World Hot Air Airship Championsip
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  • Dates: 15.02.2018 - 22.02.2018
  • Place: Германия / Tegernsee Valley
  • Subevent:10th World Hot Air Airship Championsip
  • Description:

    10-й Чемпионат мира по воздухоплаванию в классе тепловых дирижаблей



Deutscher Aero Club e.V.

Deutscher Freiballonsport-Verband e.V.


Date Time Type
15.02.2018 Thursday 11:00 14:00 18:30 Opening Ceremony Training flights General Briefing
16.02.2018 Friday 08:30 15:00 1. Competition flight 2. Competition flight
17.02.2018 Saturday 08:30 15:00 3. Competition flight 4. Competition flight
18.02.2018 Sunday 08:30 15:00 5. Competition flight 6. Competition flight
19.02.2018 Monday 08:30 15:00 7. Competition flight 8. Competition flight
20.02.2018 Tuesday 08:30 15:00 9. Competition flight 10. Competition flight
21.02.2018 Wednesday 08:30 15:00 11. Competition flight 12. Competition flight
22.02.2018 Thursday 08:30 16:00 Reserve Pricegiving and Closing Ceremony


Entry fee: 940,00 EUR which includes bed & breakfast, dinner, prize giving and closing ceremony for up to 4 persons, Propane for all competition flights, competition map and pilot pack.

Non-European Competitors will receive a travel allowance of 1.100,00 EUR and an off-road vehicle for the time of the competition.