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FLYMONITOR.RU » Competitions » 5-й Международный Кубок Губернатора Подмосковья Бориса Громова по воздухоплаванию » Statistics
5-й Международный Кубок Губернатора Подмосковья Бориса Громова по воздухоплаванию
  • Dates: 21.08.2005 - 28.08.2005
  • Place: Russian Federation / Дмитров
  • Event director: Van Helden Cornelis
  • Description:


Competition statistics

General information
Total AM PM

Rank Pilot Win
[1000 point]
18Latypov Valery4
101Vinogradov Aleksandr2
411Medvedskii Alexey2
32Vinogradov Sergey1
143Uturgauri R.1
24Naydorf Mikhail1
65Kholod Pavel1
136Kulkov Andrey1
814Perkov Yurij1
715Statkevich Sergey1
1117Fuodoroff Stanislaw1
518Denisenko Andrey1

Rank Pilot Point
total lag average
18Latypov Valery128960806
24Naydorf Mikhail111821714699
32Vinogradov Sergey110641832692
411Medvedskii Alexey107702126673
518Denisenko Andrey99712925623
65Kholod Pavel97393157609
715Statkevich Sergey97243172608
814Perkov Yurij89803916561
910Gorbachev Dmitrij89533943560
101Vinogradov Aleksandr88914005556
1117Fuodoroff Stanislaw86124284538
1216Lopatkov Oleg83554541522
136Kulkov Andrey67896107424
143Uturgauri R.63516545397
1513Kalajzhi Aleksandr59306966371
167Lebedev S51387758321
1712Bazhenov Sergey46418255290
189Gorobets Victor39238973245

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With a large number of participants, the drawing process can be lengthy.