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1 Международный фестиваль в Греции

Электронная доска объявлений

1 Международный фестиваль в Греции
Подписаться на уведомления
  • Даты проведения: 09.10 - 13.10.19
  • Место проведения: Греция / Фивы
  • Описание:

    The 1st International Balloon Fiesta in Greece will take place from 9 to 13 October 2019 at the airport in city Thebes.

    The center of the competition will be directly at the Thebes Airport, located 10 km north of the city.

    The competition will take place in a place with a beautiful classical Greek landscape, where there are of historical monuments as well as areas suitable for launching and landing hot air balloons.

    We invited the experienced pilot, which is a guarantee of an interesting and attractive competition for pilots, their teams and spectators. The organizer is Aero club of Thebes with support of Greek National Air Club.

    We plan 4-6 competition flights from Wednesday to Saturday, the competition will be valid if there are at least two competition flights with a total of three events. Our goal is to set the winners of the 1st International Balloon Fiesta.

    You can enjoy Greek hospitality with traditional Greek cuisine, visit the new antique museum in the city and many ancient monuments in the area and bathe in the sea as you see it is a holiday balloon Fiesta.

    UPD 26.07.2019: GOOD NEWS - THE GAS IS FREE!



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Приглашение » Просмотреть онлайн или
Скачать: Ivitation-for-Fiesta.pdf [139,73 Kb] (cкачали: 158)
15.07.19 13:41
Заявка на участие » Просмотреть онлайн или
Скачать: Entry-Form.docx [14,88 Kb] (cкачали: 110)
15.07.19 13:41


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